1.1 Farm Select was founded in 2017 and the financial data is as set out below
2019 2020 2021
Gross Profit 5,923,806 8,410,806 10,610,875
Net Profit After Tax 122,733 2,326,873 3,651,247
Current Assets 5,930,149 5,262,903 17,927,892
Current Liabilities 329,814 2,052,451 1,868,147
Total Assets 54,553,626 54,884,576 70,479,764
Total Liabilities 53,219,814 51,164,638 30,849,019
Convertible Loan Stock 52,890,000 49,112,187 28,980,872
Stock Inventory 1,564,822 4,580,962 17,447,167
Note : Covertible loan stock are interest free loans from directors/ shareholders.
1.2 In 2021 we sold 231,000 point-of –lay hens. And as at now we have a constructed capacity to produce and sell 492,000 annually to the Zambian and export markets. The rearing of pullets is done on the Katuba and Makeni farms.
1.3 From April,2022 Farm Select has Commenced expansion of egg production with the current capacity of 1350 trays a day.